Sometimes we might fall on our asses…

Sometimes we might fall on our asses, but that’s okay. The story is always in the get-up. Did we do it with a smile even though it hurt like h#*%? Or did we get back up as we bawled our eyes out? 

It really doesn’t matter. The important thing is that we actually GOT BACK UP!

My little girl just turned one and has started to walk around (while holding on to things). I knew she could get herself into a standing position before, but that day she looked steadier than usual. Then, for a little while, she let go and stood. All on her own. She then held on and carefully got herself into a seated position. Her dad and I were so proud that we began smiling. We clapped and said, “good girl, you did so good.” She seemed so proud of herself. With all the confidence she felt, she tried again, but this time, she fell on her little tushy. Her dad and I waited for what we thought was inevitable, her crying. Amazingly, instead of crying, she smiled and clapped again, seemingly even harder. So we clapped and smiled along with her. Confidence still intact, she went on her merry way.

The point of that was to say, that as moms, sometimes we might fall on our asses, both literally and figuratively. Sometimes we won’t have someone there to clap with us and pat us on our backs and say “you did so good,” and our confidence in ourselves may waiver or even shatter.

Of course, we would all like it if we had someone to clap for us and with us, even after falling, but as moms, sometimes we’ll just have to clap for ourselves. That’s what being a mom is sometimes about. Sometimes we have to be our own cheerleaders. 

But in all things, remember your little spectator(s) in the stand, always watching, always expecting you to get up with a smile. 

#MotivationalMOMdays #MOMLife #MomsNeverStayDown

Comment below and tell me an instance where you had to be your own cheerleader. Also, if this post motivated you in some way, please, go ahead and share it, it may motivate someone else.

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