Take Advantage, I did

Are there any men reading this? I hope not, because I’m going to be telling the women something no man really wants to hear. Ladies, if you’re pregnant right now, take advantage of this period of time (in other words, take advantage of that man of yours), because once that baby pops out, your days of being ‘spoilt’ are capoot!

Not only that, it pains me to tell you this, but you have to face the truth eventually. After you have your baby, you’ll never be alone. They are always going to be there, you’ll have to share everything and I mean everything. Once your baby is able to eat ‘real’ foods, you’ll never enjoy anything by yourself ever again. (lol) 

Your days won’t be yours anymore, neither will your space or your food. You’ll be waking up (probably not intentionally) at the crack of dawn and your feet will get swollen for standing on it all day.

But for now, that’s not your reality.

So, put your feet up, stay in bed longer. Eat-in bed. Relish in being pampered. Ask for foot rubs, massages and the whole works. This is the one time that you’ll get to be lazy and not get any crap for it. It may never be like that again.

Take Advantage.

My husband has always been the health-conscious type (I know right!) while I, on the other hand, wasn’t. While I never overdo it, I always preferred the unhealthier versions of food, fast foods, donuts, ice-cream, pastries, you get the gist. So, when we found out that I was pregnant, the first thing he said to me was “ Don’t for one second think that that you’re going to overindulge because of ‘cravings.”

He was putting his foot down!

Pssh! That didn’t happen! I got what I wanted. Most times. Were there times when I wasn’t actually craving, but blamed it on cravings? Yes, yes I did. Listen, don’t judge me okay? I was living in the moment.

I took advantage.

Luckily for him though, I didn’t crave a lot of things or very often. As much as I wanted to, I didn’t go crazy for junk food, neither was I a ‘crazy pregnant lady,’ sadly. I wanted the experience of going off on him so that I (we) could laugh about it later. Maybe next time. I was the calmest pregnant lady ever, so it probably wasn’t a bad experience for him. I don’t think. 

Here’s a little piece of disclaimer, while I love seeing people enjoy food, I’m not telling you to eat every and anything that you want, especially if it is the unhealthier version. So please, while you may occasionally eat a little junk food, try to eat as healthy as possible, because we do want what’s best for baby and mamma. But also, enjoy this period of time when you can eat a little junk food here and there and not feel guilty about it!

Take Advantage.

But on a more serious note…ish

Take these 9 months of pregnancy to get to know yourself more and what it is going to mean when you become a mother. Cherish these moments when you can actually think straight, when you actually have the time to assess whether or not you ARE actually thinking straight. Don’t be like me, “I can’t wait until I’m 25 weeks,” then 30 weeks, then 34 weeks and before you know it, you’re 36 weeks, its 9:30 am and your water just broke. 

Don’t get me wrong, of course, you should be excited about the pending arrival of your baby. How could you not be excited/anxious about that? All I’m saying is, appreciate these months of being alone with your thoughts. Once you have your baby, it’s not about you anymore, in all sense of those words. Your husband’s main concern will be for your baby(which is fine, most times), when you get calls, it won’t be for you, it’ll be for your baby and on mothers’ day, your gift, isn’t YOUR gift, its for the baby. Just saying. 

After your baby, your showers are cut shorter, you won’t get to sit and enjoy a meal (at least for the first year) and don’t even get me started on enjoying a movie or watching your favourite Youtuber. Your days will only now consist of nursery rhymes playing in the background, making baby food/ formula, tripping over toys, changing diapers and of course making a fool out of yourself just so you can make your baby laugh.

But honestly, I’m not mad about any of that. I’m sure that you won’t be either. Frustrated sometimes, but definitely not mad. Especially due to the fact that those baby laughs are so magical, you won’t mind looking like a complete idiot.

Do I sometimes want to have moments where I can relax without having to think of my to-do list? Yes. Would I at times like to have a “mom day” all to myself? Yes. The truth is though, even if I should have regular “mom days” I’d miss my family terribly and start wishing I could be around them again. You see, all the chaos, the poopy diapers, the to-do lists, and everything else, are really what define me now and I. Absolutely. Love it!

Comment below your cravings while pregnant.


4 thoughts on “Take Advantage, I did

    1. Awwww thanks so much, Shanique. I appreciate that and I appreciate you reading:) Please continue and take a look at the other posts. Hope you enjoy those too:) Subscribe and follow and you’ll definitely be one of the first to be notified:)

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